Lem FOX Logo Color Change in 2022

The color of the Lem FOX logo so far as we have memorized consists of orange for the “Lem”, red for the “FOX” and black for the fox’s head logo. Orange, red and black.

The use of colors in the Lem FOX logo has been used since the 1980s. It has been used for more than 40 years. However, along with the times, markets and market behavior also change from time to time. Lately there have been many suggestions that have emerged from both customers and internally to change one of the colors in the Lem FOX logo, namely the black color used in the fox’s head.

Each color has its own meaning and philosophy. Of course this is also influenced by geographical factors. The meaning of one color in European countries, for example, may be different from the meaning of the same color for countries in Asia. Especially for Indonesia, some of the meanings of colors that we know are red for courage or splendor, white for purity, yellow for glory, orage for optimism, and so on.

So in terms of this color association, many customers have proposed black color to be replaced with other colors. The reason is because the color black is generally interpreted as synonymous with sadness or sorrow. It is common for Indonesian people when they go to mourn their relatives who are afflicted with grief, choosing to dress in black.

After a long study, Management Aica Indria decided that starting from the beginning of 2022, the black color in the fox’s head will be changed to Maroon. Maroon itself is often used to represent intense and passionate things such as; self-confidence, creative mind, joy, strength, risk, passion, love, ambition, courage, strength, warmth and beauty.

In addition to the consideration of adjusting to market demand / customer behavior trends as described above, the use of maroon is also intended to better align the color of the Lem FOX logo with the color of the AICA group logo (maroon).

Considering that changing the color of the logo for application applications for all packaging requires quite a long time and preparation, for the first stage in early 2022, the logo application will be applied to corporate printing materials (letterheads, envelopes, business cards etc.) as well as in promotional items.


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